The Raspberry Pi Foundation has launched an updated version of their Compute Module, moving the CM3 to the CM3+ standard. Their blog announced the new upgraded versions (Compute Module 3+…
Wireshark 2.6.6 available in the repository for CentOS 7
This is the next maintenance release of Wireshark 2.6. The repository will bring you to version 2.6.6 automatically. If you haven't already added the Wireshark repository, follow the instructions…
Raspberry Pi Foundation release updated Model A+
The Raspberry Pi foundation yesterday released a new iteration of the popular maker board. Previously updates have focused on the more capable networked Model B which has provided wired connectivity.…
SiLK repository updates
The SiLK tool from the CERT team has been updated a while ago. Some work this weekend has seen the CentOS 7 repository that we maintain updated to support the…
Wireshark 2.4.6 on CentOS 7 available via repository
Note: 11 January 2018. We have updated the repository with Wireshark 2.6.6 This is the last version of 2.4 in the repository. This is a maintenance release of Wireshark 2.4. The…
Orange delivers SD-WAN for Siemens
Making a change to the usual SDN acronym, "Siemens Digitalisation Network" is provided by Orange Business Services. Covering 1500 sites, 94 countries and preparing Siemens for "Industry 4.0", the network…
Zscaler makes initial trades on Nasdaq
Zscaler has opened for trading on the Nasdaq exchange. Founded in 2007, it makes it's IPO eleven years later, as the first major technology offering of 2018. The Nasdaq exchange…
On π day, Raspberry Pi Foundation launch the Pi 3 Model B+
Today is Pi Day, so called because the date, written in the backwards fashion favoured by our American cousins, as 3 14 is a close approximation to the constant that defines…