The Register: Bankers to get 1Gbps free Wi-Fi in City of London deal

The Register: Bankers to get 1Gbps free Wi-Fi in City of London deal

The square mile is being fitted with both 4G small cell and WiFi to provide high-speed free connectivity.

The deal brings Vodafone and Telefonica together, managing the network using Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure Ltd (CTIL). CTIL currently manage the combined network infrastructure assets for their mobile networks. The current WiFi only solution is managed by The Cloud (currently rebranding to SkyWiFi), until Autumn 2017. Then CTIL will operate the service for 15 years. CTIL has offered innovative wholesale access to other mobile providers. Let’s see if anyone other than O2 (Telefonica’s local agency in the UK) and Vodafone take this up.

The Register has full details in their article.

John Dixon

John Dixon is the Principal Consultant of thirteen-ten nanometre networks Ltd, based in Wiltshire, United Kingdom. He has a wide range of experience, (including, but not limited to) operating, designing and optimizing systems and networks for customers from global to domestic in scale. He has worked with many international brands to implement both data centres and wide-area networks across a range of industries. He is currently supporting a major SD-WAN vendor on the implementation of an environment supporting a major global fast-food chain.

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