
Cisco 1 of 34 new Enterprise Ethereum Alliance Members

The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance has grown and claims it is the largest open-source blockchain initiative. In its press-release (Enterprise Ethereum Alliance Becomes World’s Largest Open-source Blockchain Initiative), 34 new organisations have joined, to create a group of 150 that are promoting the Ethereum blockchain, as both private and public deployments.

“EEA’s rapid growth in membership mirrors the accelerating acceptance and deployment of Ethereum blockchain solutions in the global marketplace. The technological breadth, depth and variety of organizations coming together under the auspices of EEA to create and drive enterprise Ethereum standards bodes well for the future development of the next-generation Ethereum ecosystem.” – Julio Faura, Chairman of the Board, Enterprise Ethereum Alliance.

These include networking equipment manufacturer Cisco and the Government of Andhra Pradesh. The use of blockchain in government has always been one of the prime use-cases. It would seem that Andhra Pradesh would provide a government-backed blockchain platform for financial services governance.

“As Fintech Valley Vizag in Andhra Pradesh aims to become a vital financial technology hub, it is working on adopting more robust systems that are cost-effective. With security issues all over the world, there is no doubt that blockchain technology is set to be the biggest disruptor not only in the financial world, but also a number of online and offline sectors. We are keen on integrating blockchain technology into governance and look forward to our collaboration with Enterprise Ethereum Alliance and provide market access to the community.” – J.A. Chowdary, Chief Minister, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Updated: 19 July 2017 to add statement from J.A. Chowdary, Chief Minister, Andhra Pradesh, India
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