
Ipanema Technologies acquired by InfoVista

Yesterday Ipanema Technologies was acquired by InfoVista, with an announcement in this press release.

Given that InfoVista doesn’t have an Application Performance Guarantee solution in its portfolio, it’s unlikely that this will result in the immediate end-of-life of the product suite, as has happened with Riverbed acquisitions in the past (e.g. Exinda).

Ipanema has always used InfoVista as the reporting engine in the background, so there are synergies here that could be harnessed and should allow the evolution of the reporting to support higher density environments (more sites, or more network links).

Also having the backing of a larger organisation should also allow for more rapid product development, but as we’ve seen in the BlueCoat / Packeteer example of a few years ago, this doesn’t always happen!

Let’s see what the future holds.

Note: At the time of publication, I am currently employed by Ipanema Technologies, a part of InfoVista.
Update: The websites for the companies have combined, so the link has been updated to reflect the InfoVista press-release, not the original Ipanema one referenced.
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