
Juniper captures leadership of USA network core routing market

An article on the Juniper forums talks about how they have now captured the leadership position in the network core routing market in the USA. (Juniper Networks Captures Leadership Position in North America Core Routing). The data comes from IHS Markit’s analysis of Service Providers Routers and Switches Tracking, with a 48% share in 2Q2017.

They attribute this in part to the needs of the hyperscale datacentre (such as Amazon, Facebook, Google and others).  They need high bandwidth, an ability to scale and low cost of ownership. Juniper, of course, claims they offer all capabilities, linking hyperscale datacentres together across the globe.

Juniper is also claiming that innovations, such as a common chassis on their PTX and MX platforms, intent-based SDN and streaming telemetry are helping service providers to reduce costs and improve operational efficiency.

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